
Productie MAN

Ilija Surla

Ilija Surla (Servië, 1985) ontdekte als 7-jarige de dans via voorstellingen bij een traditionele Servische volksdansgroep. Veel later kwam de moderne dans in zijn leven; met behulp van een scholarship van Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation (Zürich, Zwitserland) kwam hij naar Nederland om zijn droom (moderne dans) waar te maken. Hier volgde hij zijn opleiding bij de Amsterdamse School voor de Kunsten, danste onder meer in werk van Damien Munoz en Kenzo Kususa en deed workshops bij Iceland Dance Company, Batsheva Dance Company en Club Guy and Roni. Vervolgens danste hij bij Dance Works Rotterdam/Andre Gingras en Foltz + Company. Momenteel danst hij ook in producties van de Dudapaiva Company, het Internationaal Danstheater en choreograaf Muhanad Rasheed.


Productie ZIEL

Suzanne de Bekker

Suzanne was born in 1988 in the Netherlands. During her secondary school education she took part in the dance preparatory course of ArtEZ Institute of the Arts. After she finished school she started to study dance at the Amsterdam School of the Arts and graduated in summer of 2011 with the Bachelor of dance degree. Besides her study she worked with Benoit Swan Pouffer at the Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet NYC, Isabelle Beerneart in Belgium and Itzik Galili. In 2009 she reached the semifinal in the TV broadcast “So you think you can dance”. In the following year she received a scholarship from the Alvin Ailey School in New York. This year she performed in the musical Monthy Pythons “Spamalot” touring in the Netherlands and Belgium. She joined Foltz & Company in august 2011 for the current production of “ZIEL”.


Manos Kopanakis

Manos was born in 1979 in Greece. He studied classical dance at the National Opera of Greece. During his study he performed in several classical and contemporary productions and took part in dance competitions as well. After his graduation he continued with classical and contemporary dance and broadened his experiences in acting and singing. As a versatile Artist, he is also educated in playing piano, he performed in the musical production “La Cage aux Folles”. In his own company, the Indigo Dance Company, he was creating as a choreographer and performing in his creations as well. In 2009 he came to Amsterdam to continue as a freelancer in a new dance field. He joined Foltz & Company in august 2011 for the current production of “ZIEL”.


Timur Misirlioglu

Timur was born in 1979 in Germany. He started in the age of 15 with ballroom and Latin-American dancing. In the category of Latin he went further to competitions until the highest national and international level. After several years he changed into the modern dance field to work as a freelancer in commercial shows and different dance and musical productions. In that time he became a teacher in the Pilates method and in 2006 he started to teach seminars for the Pilates education institute PILATES Bodymotion in Germany. In 2008 he went to Barcelona to study at the Dance School of Coco Comin and he did the summer course at the Iwanson dance academy in Munich. He continued his study in the same year at the dance academy of ArtEZ Institute for the Arts in Arnhem and graduated in summer of 2011 with the Bachelor of dance degree. During his study he worked with Ed Wubbe, Ann van the Broek, Amos Ben-Tal, Patrick Delcroix, Philip Taylor and performed in their pieces in the academy and touring in the Netherlands and at the dance festival in Kiel / Germany. In his final academic year he had two internships. First with ms tanzwerk in Mannheim and last with Dansgroep Amsterdam performing on tour of the production “LE(E)F”. He joined Foltz & Company in august 2011 for the current production of “ZIEL”.


Anne Rooze

Anne was born in 1989 in the Netherlands. During high school she took part in the preparatory dance course at the Amsterdam School of the Arts. During her pre-education she joined the junior company of de KISS moves in 2007. In 2008 she started the modern theatre dance programme at the Amsterdam School of the Arts. During her dance education she experienced work of Leine & Roebana, Ivgi & Greben and Lucinda Childs. In 2011 she performed in 'Requiem', a production of Nanine Linning in Osnabrück, Germany. She joined Foltz + Company in august 2011 for the current production “ZIEL”, which is her internship during her last academic year.


Susanna Scoponi

Susanna was born in 1985 in Italy. Her sportive and artistic career started with rhythmic gymnasts in which she went on national and international competitions. At the age of 18 years she started dancing. She studied contemporary and classical dance in her hometown, after she went to Rome to continue her study with the Spellbound Company. From there on she became a freelancer taking many different workshops and lessons, experiencing different kind of work. That took her to the UK, Spain, Portugal and finally to the Netherlands. Further on she experienced in different projects to sing and to act. Susanna has an university degree in the foreign languages English and Spanish. She joined Foltz & Company in august 2011 for the current production of “ZIEL”.


Ilija Surla

Ilija was born in 1985 in today’s Serbia. In the age of 7 he started dancing in a traditional Serbian folkdance group and performed while touring in the country and abroad. Making it to his profession he danced two years at the Theatre Terazije and the Opera Theatre Madllenianum in Belgrade. After that experience he decided to move into the modern dance field. He started his study at the Amsterdam School of the Arts and graduated with the bachelor of dance degree in summer of 2011. During his study he worked with Kenneth Ludden, Damien Munoz, Giulia Mureddu, Kenzo Kusuda and Sanna Myllylahti. In 2008 he took part in a workshop of the Iceland Dance Company in Iceland, in 2009 he went for a workshop with the Batsheva Dance Company to Israel, and in summer of 2011 he joined the intensive dance seminar with Club Guy and Roni. In his final academic year he had an internship with Dance Works Rotterdam / Andre Gingras. After his graduation he continued to work as a professional dancer with Andre Gingras performing the production ANATOMICA #1 at the Parade Rotterdam-Amsterdam and and the production ANATOMICA #3 at the Lowlands Festival. He joined Foltz & Company in august 2011 for the current production of “ZIEL”.


Juliëtte van Ingen

Volgde haar dansopleiding aan de Scapino Dansacademie. Danste lange tijd bij Foltz + Company, Dansgroep Krisztina de Châtel en Conny Janssen. Was als docent verbonden aan de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. Werkte als docent en repetitor bij onder meer dansgroep Krisztina de Châtel en diverse andere dansgroepen. Tegenwoordig heeft Juliette samen met haar man 4 kinderen, danst bij Folz + Company en werkt daarnaast o.a. bij Dans in School en Stichting Educatieve Projecten, waarmee zij op projectbasis scholieren uit het basis- en voortgezet onderwijs laat kennismaken met dans.  Lees meer over Juliëttes keuze voor een rentree in de moderne dans.

Dries van der Post

Ook Dries volgde zijn dansopleiding in Amsterdam aan de Scapino Dansacademie. Danste verschillende jaren bij Dansgroep Krisztina de Châtel en werkte daarnaast als danser, mimer, choreograaf met Piet Rogie, Shusaku Takeuchi, Beppie Blankert, Luc Boyer en Karina Holla. Met Karin Post maakte hij meerdere voorstellingen en dansfilms en danste o.m. in een duet van Hans van Manen. Studiereizen naar Argentinië resulteerden in een tangovoorstelling en deelname aan een prijswinnende tangofilm, Nussin (regie Clara van Gool, Gouden Kalf 1998). De afgelopen jaren werkte hij onder meer met Margrith Vrenegoor en speelde in verschillende muziek-, opera- en mimevoorstellingen. Verder werkt hij regelmatig als docent moderne dans en Argentijnse tango en geeft hij workshops in binnen- en buitenland. Daarnaast heeft hij een eigen bedrijf als ayurvedisch masseur.

Meer over de motivatie van Dries om mee te werken aan de producties van Foltz + Company

Bob Foltz

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Persreacties op recente voorstellingen van
Foltz + Company

'MAN' is een ode aan het mannenduet
(Kester Freriks, Theaterkrant)

Een voorstelling die zich meteen in je herinnering vastzet. Een wereld op zichzelf, maar herkenbaar en menselijk dichtbij.

(Dagblad van het Noorden)

Mooie, eerlijke, pure dans, gemaakt voor en over drie mensen die elkaars taal spreken.

(De Volkskrant)

Choreografische helderheid, vitaliteit, goede muziekkeuze, een verzorgd toneelbeeld, getoond danstechnisch kunnen.

(Ine Rietstap)